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Horn of africa in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2018-08-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: african americanAfrican-AmericanAfricanafricahorn of plentywest africanorth africaeast africaMeaning: n. a peninsula of northeastern Africa (the easternmost part of Africa) comprising Somalia and Djibouti and Eritrea and parts of Ethiopia. 
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1 The East African Rift System bisects the horn of Africa—the Nubian plate to the west moving away from the Somalian plate to the east—before forking down either side of Uganda.
2 The Danakil desert in the Horn of Africa presents an austere and daunting landscape.
3 The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says the Horn Of Africa can look forward to weaker drought conditions in the coming months.
4 It starts in the Horn of Africa, in Ethiopia, where the coffee tree probably originated in the province of 1)Kaffa.
5 The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa.
6 The strategic location of the Horn of Africa increases its importance for international security and commerce.
7 But satellite images indicate the country is affected by the same weather pattern that has victimized much of the Horn of Africa.
8 Patrick Luganda, chair of the Network of Climate Journalists of the Greater Horn of Africa, urged climate scientists to appreciate how the media works.
9 What he found when he visited Djibouti, a small, little-known country on the Horn of Africa, felt eerily familiar.
10 Damage was concentrated in the region of Puntland ,[] on the tip of the Horn of Africa.
11 The skirmish is thought to be the first exchange of fire between a passenger vessel and attackers since the start of the current wave of piracy off the Horn of Africa.
12 United Nations agencies are warning of a growing humanitarian emergency in the Horn of Africa region.
13 What's next? A diplomat from Djibouti , a country in the Horn of Africa, provides a clue.
14 The area currently experiencing the most sustained incidences of piratical activity is the Horn of Africa, where piracy originates predominantly from Somalia.
15 A diplomat from Djibouti , a country in the Horn of Africa, provides a clue.
16 Gunmen from a Somali militia group raided 2 UN compounds in the Horn of Africa nation, looting emergency communication equipment and vehicles, the UNDP said Tuesday.
More similar words: african americanAfrican-AmericanAfricanafricahorn of plentywest africanorth africaeast africasouth africablack africacentral africaafrican elephantsub-saharan africaborn ofcrown of thornsafro-americanon the horns of a dilemmaaffricatefricativedecentralization of authoritybirds of a featherstate of affairsmetaphoricalmetaphoricallyunited states of americaafrikaansafrikanerthe United States of Americaamerican federation of laborturn off
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